Mind-blowing pop is more than just a slogan. It's a philosophy.
The Reebok 24K Grip Composite Stick comes in second to the thrown to the RIBCOR but still holds technologies that keeps you a step up from the opposition. The unique Easy To Load Technology leaves the 24K with tension in the shaft for optimal loading, making your shot harder with less power from you. Don't settle for a medium power transfer that you are getting from your current stick; bring the bar up to a high load for a quick and natural release.
The 24K sports a feature called High Power Taper Ratio, this adds a crazy flex to let you whip the puck with more authority without any extra effort from your body.
Tri Matrix construction in the blade will reduce vibration on hard passes and slashes, making your hands softer than tissue paper. The heel of the SSXBlade is stiff and only continues to get stiffer until it reaches the very end of the toe. This will provide you with an accurate shot every time as the puck will respond to your direction better than ever. This also makes it 5% lighter than the average blade.
enhance performance and accuracy of your powerful shot.
Reebok Ribcor 24K Stick